Basic Hand Animations

Simon Pham
2 min readNov 22, 2023


In this article, let’s create some basic animations for the hands when player interact with objects.

Getting the assets

Firstly, let’s download and import some hand assets from Filebase. I’m going with the Hands 10 package.

For the animations, I’ll choose the Hands Animation package.

Creating animation flows for the hands

Firstly, let’s create an animator controller for each hand that includes two states: Open and Close, which can transition from one to the other.

Next, drop in the corresponding animation clip (the one with the triangle icon) into the Motion field for each state of each hand.

Then, create two trigger-typed parameters: Select and Deselect for each hand, and have Select as the condition for the transition from Open to Close, and Deselect as the condition transitioning from Close to Open.

Finally, in the LeftHand and RightHand Controller, fill in the Mode Select Transition and Mode Deselect Transition fields with the corresponding animation name.

Now let’s see the result:

Our hands can now close when you hit the grip button.

Note: Make sure that the animation component names match with the components in the hand prefab for each hand (anything unmatched will be in yellow color) and it is set to Pivot not Center (so the XR Origin’s position is not off).

LeftHand Prefab
LeftHand Grip Animation

